
LensClient SDK

The LensClient SDK provides an easy way to interact with the Lens Protocol GraphQL schema. It's built with TypeScript but can be used in any JavaScript-based environment.

All methods are grouped by module, a full overview can be seen on the LensClient SDK reference page.

You can view the full source code on Github.

Getting the LensClient setup and querying data in just a few steps

1. Install the Lens Client SDK

Open the terminal.

If using npm:

npm install @lens-protocol/client@alpha

If using pnpm:

pnpm add @lens-protocol/client@alpha

If using yarn:

yarn add @lens-protocol/client@alpha

2. Initialise a LensClient

The SDK supports the Lens Protocol development and production environments and exposes utilities for each environment to allow you to target them.

Development (Polygon Amoy):

import { LensClient, development } from "@lens-protocol/client";

const lensClient = new LensClient({
  environment: development

Production (Polygon Mainnet):

import { LensClient, production } from "@lens-protocol/client";

const lensClient = new LensClient({
  environment: production

Configure storage (optional):

LensClient manages the authentication tokens for you, it can also store them for future use if you provide a storage instance.

It could be a browser-based LocalStorage or a React-Native storage solution. It's up to you. You need to ensure your implementation conforms to the IStorageProvider interface below:

export interface IStorageProvider {
  getItem(key: string): Promise<string | null> | string | null;
  setItem(key: string, value: string): Promise<string> | Promise<void> | void | string;
  removeItem(key: string): Promise<string> | Promise<void> | void;

A full example implementation using local storage:

import { LensClient, development, IStorageProvider } from "@lens-protocol/client";

class LocalStorageProvider implements IStorageProvider {
  getItem(key: string) {
    return window.localStorage.getItem(key);

  setItem(key: string, value: string) {
    window.localStorage.setItem(key, value);

  removeItem(key: string) {

const lensClientConfig = {
  environment: development,
  storage: new LocalStorageProvider()

const lensClient = new LensClient(lensClientConfig);

3. Query Lens Protocol data

You are now in a position to start to query the protocol data.

For example, to test if your setup is correct, you can fetch some publications.

const publications = await lensClient.publications.fetchAll();

The next step is to authenticate with the API to perform queries or mutations that are protected.