
Publishing Posts

Publish your first post and in doing so, learn to publish whatever you like!

Jump to Recap to get the full source code 🌿

Creating the Custom Task

I'm sure you're used to it by now; we'll start by creating a new file called post.ts in the tasks/ directory.

We'll also include our usual imports and basic initialization. We're also going to be using the FreeCollectModule, which allows any follower to collect our post for free into perpetuity. Here's what the file should look like:

import { defaultAbiCoder } from 'ethers/lib/utils';
import { task } from 'hardhat/config';
import { LensHub__factory } from '../typechain-types';
import { PostDataStruct } from '../typechain-types/LensHub';
import { getAddrs, initEnv, waitForTx, ZERO_ADDRESS } from './helpers/utils';

task('post', 'publishes a post')
  .setAction(async ({}, hre) => {
    const [governance, , user] = await initEnv(hre);
    const addrs = getAddrs();
    const freeCollectModuleAddr = addrs['free collect module'];
    const lensHub = LensHub__factory.connect(addrs['lensHub proxy'], governance);

Whitelisting the Collect Module

The protocol only allows whitelisted collect modules to be used in posts and comments (mirrors don't have a collect module associated with them), so we've got to whitelist our free collect module:

  await waitForTx(lensHub.whitelistCollectModule(freeCollectModuleAddr, true));

Creating the Post

Now that we've whitelisted the collect module, we're ready to create our post! Like profile creation, publishing functions (in our case, we're only looking at post()) use an input data struct. Here's what the data struct we need looks like (from contracts/libraries/Datatypes.sol):

// NOTE: This struct is defined in the contracts/libraries/Datatypes.sol library

     * @notice A struct containing the parameters required for the `post()` function.
     * @param profileId The token ID of the profile to publish to.
     * @param contentURI The URI to set for this new publication.
     * @param collectModule The collect module to set for this new publication.
     * @param collectModuleInitData The data to pass to the collect module's initialization.
     * @param referenceModule The reference module to set for the given publication, must be whitelisted.
     * @param referenceModuleInitData The data to be passed to the reference module for initialization.
    struct PostData {
        uint256 profileId;
        string contentURI;
        address collectModule;
        bytes collectModuleInitData;
        address referenceModule;
        bytes referenceModuleInitData;

Now we're ready to move forward with building our input struct! We want the profile ID to be 1 since we own the only profile in existence. The content URI can be mocked. The collect module will be the newly whitelisted FreeCollectModule, which takes no data, and lastly, the reference module and its associated data field are free.

In production you will want to make sure the content saved for the contentURI conforms to the metadata standards outlined here.

Here's how that should look:

  const inputStruct: PostDataStruct = {
    profileId: 1,
    contentURI: '',
    collectModule: freeCollectModuleAddr,
    collectModuleInitData: defaultAbiCoder.encode(['bool'], [true]),
    referenceModule: ZERO_ADDRESS,
    referenceModuleInitData: [],

Alright, now we're just about ready to execute the transaction. Like profile creation, we'll connect the lensHub instance to our user signer and send the transaction! To be sure, we're also going to add some logging to ensure everything works exactly how we expect it to:

  await waitForTx(lensHub.connect(user).post(inputStruct));
  console.log(await lensHub.getPub(1, 1));


Create file tasks/post.ts with the following code:

import { defaultAbiCoder } from 'ethers/lib/utils';
import { task } from 'hardhat/config';
import { LensHub__factory } from '../typechain-types';
import { PostDataStruct } from '../typechain-types/LensHub';
import { getAddrs, initEnv, waitForTx, ZERO_ADDRESS } from './helpers/utils';

task('post', 'publishes a post').setAction(async ({}, hre) => {
  const [governance, , user] = await initEnv(hre);
  const addrs = getAddrs();
  const freeCollectModuleAddr = addrs['free collect module'];
  const lensHub = LensHub__factory.connect(addrs['lensHub proxy'], governance);

  await waitForTx(lensHub.whitelistCollectModule(freeCollectModuleAddr, true));

  const inputStruct: PostDataStruct = {
    profileId: 1,
    contentURI: '',
    collectModule: freeCollectModuleAddr,
    collectModuleInitData: defaultAbiCoder.encode(['bool'], [true]),
    referenceModule: ZERO_ADDRESS,
    referenceModuleInitData: [],

  await waitForTx(lensHub.connect(user).post(inputStruct));
  console.log(await lensHub.getPub(1, 1));

Finally, let's go ahead and run the task:

$ npx hardhat post --network localhost

If everything went according to plan, the console should output something like this:

  BigNumber { _hex: '0x00', _isBigNumber: true },
  BigNumber { _hex: '0x00', _isBigNumber: true },
  profileIdPointed: BigNumber { _hex: '0x00', _isBigNumber: true },
  pubIdPointed: BigNumber { _hex: '0x00', _isBigNumber: true },
  contentURI: '',
  referenceModule: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  collectModule: '0x20Ce94F404343aD2752A2D01b43fa407db9E0D00',
  collectNFT: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'

Awesome! That checks out -- we've created our first profile and published our first post. Now, naturally, our profile and post are a bit lonely, out there in the void, so let's move forward with following our profile and collecting the post!

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