
Deployed Contract Addresses

Polygon Mainnet Addresses

The official block explorer can be found here:

Mumbai Testnet Addresses

The official faucet and block explorer can be found here:

Note: The MockProfileCreationProxy is a whitelisted profile creator that allows anyone to create a profile via function proxyCreateProfile(DataTypes.CreateProfileData calldata vars). This function takes in the exact same parameters required by the standard createProfile(DataTypes.CreateProfileData calldata vars) function on the LensHub.

Sandbox Mumbai Testnet Addresses

This Lens version does not have whitelist restrictions for the modules & currencies.

The official faucet and block explorer can be found here:

Note: The MockProfileCreationProxy is a whitelisted profile creator that allows anyone to create a profile via function proxyCreateProfile(DataTypes.CreateProfileData calldata vars). This function takes in the exact same parameters required by the standard createProfile(DataTypes.CreateProfileData calldata vars) function on the LensHub.

Note 2: The MockSandboxGovernance is a mock Governance contract that can Whitelist Follow/Reference/Collect modules without checking for onlyGov permissions. The functions for whitelisting modules are the same as in LensHub and follow the same standard: whitelistFollowModule(address followModule, bool whitelist), whitelistReferenceModule(address referenceModule, bool whitelist), whitelistCollectModule(address collectModule, bool whitelist)

Sandbox Polygon zkEVM Testnet Addresses

This Lens version does not have whitelist restrictions for the modules & currencies.

The zkEVM Testnet is linked to the Ethereum Goerli Testnet, information can be found here:

Note: The MockProfileCreationProxy is a whitelisted profile creator that allows anyone to create a profile via function proxyCreateProfile(DataTypes.CreateProfileData calldata vars). This function takes in the exact same parameters required by the standard createProfile(DataTypes.CreateProfileData calldata vars) function on the LensHub.