
Self-funded transactions

Handle NOT_ALLOWED error by using user's wallet to pay for gas as fallback for a rejected operation


The feature described in this guide is available by upgrading @lens-protocol/react-web (or @lens-protocol/react in case of RN integrations) to version 1.1.0.

One of the great features offered by the Lens API is gasless, the ability to execute blockchain operations with gas costs covered by the Lens API.

There are scenarios were a request from given profile could be refused to be executed in a gasless fashion. The reason could vary, from hitting usage limit to being flagged as low-signal (see eligibility details here ).

In those cases you might observe an error like the following one coming back from the SDK hook you used.

BroadcastingError: broadcasting failed with reason: NOT_ALLOWED
    at handleRelayError (relayer.ts:26:22)
    at ProfileMetadataCallGateway.broadcast (ProfileMetadataCallGateway.ts:104:14)
    at async ProfileMetadataCallGateway.createDelegatedTransaction (ProfileMetadataCallGateway.ts:52:20)
    at async UpdateProfileDetails.execute (DelegableSigning.ts:38:22)
    at async useUpdateProfileDetailsController.ts:62:5
    at async useUpdateProfileDetails.ts:59:16
    at async execute (operations.ts:38:24)

In this guide we are going to show you a technique that will let you unblock the user experience by executing the failing transaction using user's wallet funds (MATIC) to cover for the gas costs.

We are going to use useFollow hook in our example but bear in mind it works the same exact way for all these hooks as they implement the same interface:

  • useCollect
  • useCreateComment
  • useCreateEncryptedPost
  • useCreateEncryptedComment
  • useCreateMirror
  • useCreatePost
  • useFollow
  • useUnfollow
  • useUpdateDispatcherConfig
  • useUpdateFollowPolicy
  • useUpdateProfileDetails
  • useUpdateProfileImage

In practice

We are going to compose the useFollow hook with the useSelfFundedFallback hook into a new React hook. This new hook will encapsulate how we intend to communicate and handle the rejection scenario.

import { FollowOperation, Profile, ProfileOwnedByMe, SelfFundedOperation, supportsSelfFundedFallback, useFollow, useSelfFundedFallback } from '@lens-protocol/react-web';

type UseFollowWithSelfFundedFallbackArgs = {
  followee: Profile;
  follower: ProfileOwnedByMe;

type PossibleError = FollowOperation['error'] | SelfFundedOperation['error']

export function useFollowWithSelfFundedFallback({ followee, follower }: UseFollowWithSelfFundedFallbackArgs) {
  const [error, setError] = useState<PossibleError>(undefined);
  const gasless = useFollow({ followee, follower });

  const selfFunded = useSelfFundedFallback();
  const execute = async () => {
    // it won't ask to sign if can be performed via proxy-action
    const gaslessResult = await gasless.execute();

    // did the gasless request fail?
    if (gaslessResult.isFailure()) {
      // was it rejected? is there an fallback?
      if (supportsSelfFundedFallback(gaslessResult.error)) {

        // ask your confirmation before using their funds
        const shouldPayFor = window.confirm(
          'It was not possible to cover the gas costs at this time.\n\n' +
          'Do you wish to continue with your MATIC?'

        if (shouldPayFor) {
          // initiate self-funded, will require signature
        	const selfFundedResult = await selfFunded.execute(gaslessResult.error.fallback);
          if (selfFundedResult.isFailure()) {
      // any other error from 
  return {
    isPending: gaslessResult.isPending || selfFundedResult.isPending,

What's happening?

  • we defined the new React hook signature mimicking what useFollow does:
    • it accepts a followee and follower profiles
    • it returns an execute callback, an error, and an isPending flag
  • inside the hook we defined an internal error state
  • still inside the hook we run both useFollow and useSelfFundedFallback. We don't bother with destructuring the return values but we simply assign them to variables with meaningful names (i.e. gasless, selfFunded)
  • in our new execute callback we do (in order):
    • execute the gasless follow
    • if it fails we use the supportsSelfFundedFallback helper to determine if the error is one that can be retried in a self-funded fashion
    • we ask the user via a window.confirm if the wish to continue. This is were you decide how to involve the user. Adapt this to your UI needs.
    • if so we execute the selfFunded follow passing the opaque gaslessResult.error.fallback. We handle possible selfFundedResult failures by updating the internal error state.
    • finally we handle any other errors by updating the internal error state
  • the new isPending is a OR condition between gasless and selfFunded pending statuses

Replace useFollow with our new hook

Now we can take our FollowButton and replace useFollow with our newly create hook and ... job done!

import { Profile, ProfileOwnedByMe  } from '@lens-protocol/react-web';

import { useFollowWithSelfFundedFallback } from './useFollowWithSelfFundedFallback';

type FollowButtonProps = {
  followee: Profile;
  follower: ProfileOwnedByMe;

export function FollowButton({ followee, follower }: FollowButtonProps) {
  const { execute: follow, error, isPending } = useFollowWithSelfFundedFallback({ followee, follower });
  return (
      <button disabled={!followee.followStatus.canFollow || isPending} onClick={follow}>
      {error && <small>{error.message}</small>}

In the FollowButton above we used the most simplified example from the Follow a profile guide. Refer to that guide for more comprehensive examples.