
View Functions

View functions in the LensHub.sol contract


function isFollowModuleWhitelisted(address followModule) external view returns (bool);

Parameter NameTypeDescription
followModuleaddressThe follow module to fetch whitelist status for


boolWhether the queried follow module is whitelisted

This function returns whether a follow module is whitelisted.

It should...

  1. Return true if a follow module is whitelisted, false otherwise.


function isReferenceModuleWhitelisted(address referenceModule) external view returns (bool);

Parameter NameTypeDescription
referenceModuleaddressThe reference module to fetch whitelist status for


boolWhether the queried reference module is whitelisted

This function returns whether a reference module is whitelisted.

It should...

  1. Return true if a reference module is whitelisted, false otherwise.


function isCollectModuleWhitelisted(address collectModule) external view returns (bool);

Parameter NameTypeDescription
collectModuleaddressThe collect module to fetch whitelist status for


boolWhether the queried collect module is whitelisted

This function returns whether a collect module is whitelisted.

It should...

  1. Return true if a collect module is whitelisted, false otherwise.


function getGovernance() external view returns (address);


addressThe current governance address

This function returns the current governance address.

It should...

  1. Return the current governance address.


function getDispatcher(uint256 profileId) external view returns (address);

Parameter NameTypeDescription
profileIduint256The profile ID of the profile to fetch the dispatcher for


addressThe dispatcher for the queried address, if any

This function returns the dispatcher for the given profile if any.

It should...

  1. Return the dispatcher address set for a given profile if it exists (which can be the zero address).
  2. Return the zero address if the profile does not exist


function getPubCount(uint256 profileId) external view returns (uint256);

Parameter NameTypeDescription
profileIduint256The profile ID of the profile to fetch the publication count for


uint256The publication count for the given profile, or zero

This function returns the publication count for the given profile.

It should...

  1. Return the publication count for the given profile if the profile exists (which can be zero).
  2. Return zero if the profile does not exist.


function getFollowNFT(uint256 profileId) external view returns (address);

Parameter NameTypeDescription
profileIduint256The profile ID of the profile to fetch the follow NFT for


addressThe follow NFT mapped to the given profile, if any

This function returns the follow NFT for the given profile, if any.

It should...

  1. Return the follow NFT for the given profile if the profile exists (which can be the zero address).
  2. Return the zero address if the profile does not exist.


function getCollectNFT(uint256 profileId, uint256 pubId) external view returns (address);

Parameter NameTypeDescription
profileIduint256The profile ID of the profile that created the publication to fetch the collect NFT for
pubIduint256The publication ID to fetch the collect NFT for.


addressThe collect NFT mapped to the given publication if any

This function returns the collect NFT for the given publication, if any.

It should...

  1. Return the collect NFT for the given publication if the publication exists (which can be the zero address).
  2. Return the zero address if the publication does not exist.


function getFollowNFTURI(uint256 profileId) external view returns (string memory);

Parameter NameTypeDescription
profileIduint256The profile ID of the profile to fetch the follow NFT URI for


string memoryThe follow NFT URI mapped to the given profile

This function returns the follow NFT URI for the given profile.

It should...

  1. Return the follow NFT URI for the given profile (which can be an empty string).


function getFollowModule(uint256 profileId) external view returns (address);

Parameter NameTypeDescription
profileIduint256The profile ID of the profile to fetch the follow module for


addressThe follow module mapped to the given profile, if any

This function returns the follow module for the given profile, if any.

It should...

  1. Return the follow module for the given profile if the profile exists (which can be the zero address).
  2. Return the zero address if the profile does not exist.


function getCollectModule(uint256 profileId, uint256 pubId) external view returns (address);

Parameter NameTypeDescription
profileIduint256The profile ID of the profile that created the publication to fetch the collect module for.
pubIduint256The publication ID to fetch the collect module for


addressThe collect module mapped to the given publication

This function returns the collect module for the given publication. Note that a publication should not have the zero address as a collect module.

It should...

  1. Return the collect module for the given publication if the publication exists.
  2. Return the zero address if the publication does not exist.


function getReferenceModule(uint256 profileId, uint256 pubId) external view returns (address);

Parameter NameTypeDescription
profileIduint256The profile ID of the profile that created the publication to fetch the reference module for.
pubIduint256The publication ID to fetch the reference module for


addressThe reference module mapped to the given publication, if any

This function returns the reference module for the given publication, if any.

It should...

  1. Return the reference module for the given publication if the publication exists (which can be the zero address).
  2. Return the zero address if the publication does not exist.


function getHandle(uint256 profileId) external view returns (string memory);

Parameter NameTypeDescription
profileIduint256The profile ID to fetch the handle for


stringThe handle mapped to the given profile, if any

This function returns the handle for the given profile.

It should...

  1. Return the handle for the given profile if the profile exists.
  2. Return an empty string if the profile does not exist.


function getPubPointer(uint256 profileId, uint256 pubId) external view returns (uint256, uint256);

Parameter NameTypeDescription
profileIduint256The profile ID of the profile that created the publication to fetch the publication pointer fo
pubIduint256The publication ID to fetch the publication pointer for


uint256The profile ID pointed by the given publication, if any
uint256The publication ID pointed by the given publication, if any

This function returns the publication pointer mapped to the given publication, if any. Pointers only exist for mirrors and comments; they indicate the publication being "mirrored" or "commented" on and should never be non-zero for posts.

It should...

  1. Return the profile and publication IDs pointed by the given publication if the publication exists (which can both be zero, but neither should ever be zero if the other is zero)
  2. Return both values as zero if the publication does not exist


function getContentURI(uint256 profileId, uint256 pubId) external view returns (string memory);

Parameter NameTypeDescription
profileIduint256The profile ID of the profile that created the publication to fetch the content URI for.
pubIduint256The publication ID to fetch the content URI for


stringThe URI mapped to the given publication, if any

This function returns the content URI mapped to the given publication, if any. Note that content URIs only exist for posts and comments and should always be empty for mirrors.

It should...

  1. Return the content URI mapped to the given publication if the publication exists (which can be an empty string)
  2. Return the content URI mapped to the pointed publication if the given publication is a mirror.
  3. Return an empty string if the publication does not exist


function getProfileIdByHandle(string calldata handle) external view returns (uint256);

Parameter NameTypeDescription
handlestringThe handle to use to query the profile ID


uint256The profile ID of the profile with the given handle, if any

This function returns the profile ID of the profile mapped to a given handle, if any.

It should...

  1. Return the profile ID of the profile mapped to the given handle.
  2. Return zero if there is no profile with this handle.


function getProfile(uint256 profileId) external view returns (DataTypes.ProfileStruct memory);

Parameter NameTypeDescription
profileIduint256The profile ID to query the profile struct for


Struct Member NameTypeDescription
pubCountuint256The publication count associated with this profile
followModuleaddressThe follow module associated with this profile, if any
followNFTaddressThe follow NFT associated with this profile, if any
handlestringThe handle associated with this profile
imageURIstringThe URI associated with this profile's image
followNFTURIstringThe URI associated with this profile's follow NFT

This function returns the profile struct of the profile mapped to a given token ID.

It should...

  1. Return the profile struct for a given profile if the profile exists.
  2. Return an empty struct if the profile doesn't exist.


function getPub(uint256 profileId, uint256 pubId) external view returns (DataTypes.PublicationStruct memory);

Parameter NameTypeDescription
profileIduint256The profile ID of the profile that created the publication to fetch the publication struct for.
pubIduint256The publication ID to fetch the publication struct for


Struct Member NameTypeDescription
ProfileIdPointeduint256The profile ID of the profile that created the publication pointed to by this publication, if any
PubIdPointeduint256The publication ID pointed to by this publication, if any
contentURIstringThe content URI mapped to this publication, if any
referenceModuleaddressThe reference module mapped to this publication, if any
collectModuleaddressThe collect module mapped to this publication
collectNFTaddressThe collect NFT mapped to this publication, if any

This function returns the publication struct for a given profile ID and publication ID.

It should...

  1. Return the publication struct if the publication exists.
  2. Return an empty struct if the publication does not exist.


function getPubType(uint256 profileId, uint256 pubId) external view returns (DataTypes.PubType);

Parameter NameTypeDescription
profileIduint256The profile ID of the profile that created the publication to fetch the publication type for


Enum Member NameTypeDescription
Postenum member (technically uint8)An indicator stating that the queried publication is a post
Commentenum member (technically uint8)An indicator stating that the queried publication is a comment
Mirrorenum member (technically uint8)An indicator stating that the queried publication is a mirror
Nonexistantenum member (technically uint8)An indicator stating that the queried publication does not exist

This function returns the publication type for a given profile ID and publication ID.

It should...

  1. Return one of the PubType enum members: Post, Comment or Mirror if the publication exists.
  2. Return the PubType enum member Nonexistant if the publication does not exist.