
Eligibility requirements

LENS believes in supporting content creators and followers who create an engaging environment for everyone. Currently, we use machine learning algorithms to identify high-signal accounts and curated profiles based on factors such as follower graphs, content and other factors. Unfortunately, low-signal, pesty profiles diminish everyone's experience and waste gas. As a way of curtailing flagged, low-signal profiles, we have decided to stop paying gas fees for profiles that do not meet a certain signal threshold and create a nuisance. The protocol will remain open to anyone to do any actions; however, going forward, low-signal accounts must pay their own way.

How to use it

Typed data is a way to try to show the users what they are signing in a more readable format. You can read more about it here.

When to use each solution:

  • Broadcast is for gasless
  • Dispatcher is for signless post, comment, mirror
  • Proxy is for signless free follow, collect

Whitelisting your app

To get your app whitelisted for gasless transactions through our API, submit your information to the following form: